






Primary Sources:

Thanks to the development of the Internet and to the interest that American scholars have taken in new technologies, several academic projects have flourished that have made all the following texts available from the Web. The texts are faithfully transcribed under the supervision of history or law faculties to give researchers easy and free access to these old and essential texts. Fortunately, spelling is not even always modernized and the texts are often unabridged. Primary sources can also be found on genealogical sites, whose aim is to make relevant original texts available to concerned descendants. The texts are sometimes cut, and spelling very often modernized, but the content is on the whole reliable. However, as we have already mentioned, their interpretations are likely to be biased.

Hereafter are the addresses of the sites where I have found the primary sources I have used, and the reference code I used further in this bibliography to identify the origin of the primary sources. Note, as I have already mentioned, that the content of a site is in no way fixed and final and so the same applies to the address. Consequently, using a search engine can be useful in case some of the following sites have been relocated since I visited them.


·      Yale Law School's Avalon Project (Avalon): 


·      The Hanover Historical Texts Project (Hanover): 


·        A Hypertext on American History from the colonial period until Modern Times (hyptxt): 


·      The American Colonist's Library (formerly the Universitylake Web Directory)(Col. Lib.): 


·      The Winthrop Society (Win. Soc.): 


·      The Mayflower Pages, by Caleb Johnson (CJ): 


·        The Plymouth Colony Archive Project, Virginia University (U.Virg): (relocated at )


·        University of Texas (U.Tx): (appears to be a dead link)



Though the documents have been organized by chapters, some of them have been used in several chapters and appear several times in the following lists. Each list contains the primary sources used for each chapter.          


Chapter 1: Grants, Patents and Charters



·        The three Virginia Charters (1606, 1609, 1612) (Col. Lib) and the Instructions To The Virginia Company (1606) (Col. Lib.);

·        The Charter of New England, 1620 (Avalon);

·        Pierce Patent, 1621 (CJ);

·        Charter of the Colony of New Plymouth Granted To William Bradford, 1629 (Avalon);

·        The Charter of Massachusetts Bay, 1629 (Avalon);

·        Grant of The Province of Maine To Sir Ferdinando Gorges and John Mason (1622) (Avalon);

·        Grant of The Province of Maine (1639) (Avalon);

·        Patent For Providence Plantations (1643) (Avalon);

·        Charter of Connecticut, (1662) (Avalon);

·        Charter of Rhode Island and Providence Plantation, (1663) (Avalon).



Chapter 2: The Covenants and The Special Commission



·      John Winthrop, A Modell Of Christian Charity, 1630, unabridged (Win. Soc.);

·      The Mayflower Compact, 1620 (Avalon);

·      The Salem Covenant, 1629 (Col. Lib.);

·      The Enlarged Salem Covenant, 1636 (Col. Lib.);

·      The Covenant of the Charles-Boston Church, 1630 (Col. Lib.);

·      The Watertown Covenant, 1630; The Dedham Covenant, 1636, (also available in K. Lockridge, A New England Town, 1970) (Col. Lib.);

·      The Exeter Covenant or Agreement of The Settlers at Exeter in New Hampshire, 1639 (Avalon);

·      The Combination of The Inhabitants Upon the Piscataqua River for Government, 1641 (Avalon);

·      The Reasons for Plantation In New England, 1629 (author not officially known but probably John Winthrop) (Win. Soc.);

·      The Cambridge Agreement, 1629 (Win. Soc.);

·      John Winthrop, Thomas Dudley, Charles Finnes, George Phillipps, Richard Saltonstall, Isaac Johnson, William Coddington, et al., The Humble Request, 1630 (these are the signatories, but the drafter is unknown) (Win. Soc.).


            Chapter 3: Citizenship and Church Membership



·      The Massachusetts Body Of Liberties, 1641, unabridged, with introduction, history of the manuscript and background, (Hanover);


·      The Oath of a Freeman, or of a Man to be made free, 1631, (Win. Soc.);

·      The Book of the General Lawes and Liberties Concerning the Inhabitants of the Massachusetts, 1648 (U.Tx.);


·      The Constitution of Plymouth Colony, 1636 (Col. Lib.);

·      Forward To The Revision of the New Plymouth Laws, 1658 (Col. Lib.);

·      The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, 1639 (Avalon);

·      The Fundamental Agreement, or Original Constitution of New Haven, 1639 (Avalon);


·      The Government of New Haven Colony, 1643 (Avalon);

·      Plantation Agreement At Providence (Rhode Island) 1640 (Avalon);

·      Government of Rhode Island, 1641 (Avalon);

·      Remonstrance and Petition of Robert Child et al. to Massachusetts General Court, 1646 (U.Tx);

·      John Cotton's Letter to Lord Say and Sele, 1636 (available in Everett Emerson, Letters from New England, see reference below).



            Chapter 4: Crime and Punishment in a Triangular Perspective.



·      Massachusetts Body of Liberties, 1641 (Win. Soc.);

·      Massachusetts Body of Laws, 1648 (U.Tx.);

·      Connecticut Blue Laws, undated (Col. Lib.);

·      Anne Hutchinson's Examination, 1637 (Col. Lib.);

·      The Pynchon Court Records, Excerpt, 1639 (U.Tx.);

·      The Essex County Court Records, Excerpts, 1664-1665 (U.Tx.);

·      John Winthrop's Journal, Excerpts, 1640-1648 (Col. Lib.);

·      Colonial Laws of Massachusetts, Sumptuary Laws, 1651 (Col. Lib.);

·      Virginia Laws concerning Religion, 1619 (Col. Lib.);

·      Sexual Misconduct in Plymouth, Laws and Courts Records, 1636-1686 (U.Virg.).



Secondary Sources:


Reference and anthologies

·      The Authorized King James Version With Apocrypha, edited by Robert Carroll and Stephen Prickett, Oxford World's Classics, Oxford and New York, 1997


·      Burke, Edmund, "Speech to the Electors of Bristol" (1774), Speeches and Letters on American Affairs, Dent-Dutton, London, 1950.


·      Cooke Jacob E., Ed. In Chief, Encyclopedia of the North American Colonies, 3 vols., Charles Scribners' Sons, NewYork, 1993.


·      DeNovo, Jack A., Ed., Selected Writings in American History, Volume I: Main Themes to 1877, Charles Scribners' Sons, New York, 1969.


·      Emerson, Everett Ed., Letters from New England - the Massachusetts Bay Colony 1629 - 1638, University of Massachusetts Press, Amherst, 1976.


·      Powell, Ken & Cook Chris, English Historical Facts (1485-1603), Macmillan, London, 1977.


·      Robertson, David, Ed., The Penguin Dictionary Of Political Terms, Penguin, London, 1986.



The Reformation and Early Modern England.


·      Brooke Christopher, From Alfred to Henry III: 871-1272; Sphere, London, 1969.


·      Churchill, Sir Winston, A History of the English-Speaking Peoples, 4 vols., Cassell, London, 1956, Vols. 1 and 2.


·      Clark, Sir George, Early Modern Europe (1450-1720), Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1966.


·      Dickens, A.G., The Age of Humanism and Reform - Europe in the Fourteenth, Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1977.


·      Harvey, John and Bather L., The British Constitution, Macmillan, London, 1970.


·      Ingram, Martin, Church Courts, Sex and Marriage in  England, 1570-1640, Past and Present Publications, Cambridge UP, 1987.


·      Lockyer, Roger, Tudor and Stuart Britain (1471-1714), Longman, London, 1965.


·      Parker, T.M., The English Reformation to 1558, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1950.


·      Sharpe, James A., Crime in Early Modern England 1550-1750, Longman, London, 1984 (repr. 1994)


·      Smart, Ninian, The Religious Experience of Mankind, Fount, London, 1969


·      Trevelyan, G.M., English Social History: a Survey of 6 Centuries from Chaucer to Queen Victoria, London 1944


·       Wilson, D. Harris, King James VI & I, Jonathan Cape, London, 1956





·      Herrup, Cynthia B., "Law and Morality in Seventeenth Century England", Past and Present, No. 106, Feb. 85, pp102-122.


·      Plumb, J.H., "The Growth of the Electorate in England from 1600 to 1715", Past and Present 45, 1969.



Seventeenth-century New England:


·      Allen, David Grayson, In English Ways: The Movement of Societies and the Transfer of English Local Law and Custom to Massachusetts Bay in the Seventeenth Century, University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, 1981.


·      Breen T.H., Puritans and Adventurers: Change and Persistence in Early America, Oxford University Press, Oxford and New York, 1980.


·      Langdon Jr., George D., Pilgrim Colony - A History of New Plymouth (1620-1691), Yale University Press, New Haven, 1966.


·      Lockridge Kenneth, A New England Town: The First Hundred Years, Yale UP., New Haven, 1970.


·      Lockridge, Kenneth, Settlement and Unsettlement in Early America: The Crisis of Political Legitimacy Before The Revolution, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1981.


·      McManus, Edgar J., Law and Liberty in Early New England: Criminal Justice and Due Process 1620-1692, University of Massachusetts Press, Amherst, 1993.


·      Middleton, Richard, Colonial America: A History (1607-1760), Blackwell, Cambridge Ma. and Oxford UK., 1992.


·      Miller, Perry, Errand Into The Wilderness, Harper TorchBooks, New York, 1956.


·      Miller, Perry, The New England Mind: The Seventeenth Century, Beacon Press Editions, Boston, 1939.


·      Miller, Perry, The New England Mind: From Colony To Province, Beacon Press Editions, Boston, 1961.


·      Morgan, Edmund S., The Puritan Dilemma - The Story Of John Winthrop, Harper Collins Publishers, 1958


·      Morgan, Edmund S., Visible Saints - The History of a Puritan Idea, Cornell University Press, New York 1963.


·      Morison, Samuel Eliot, Builders Of The Bay Colony, Sentry Editions, Boston, 3rd Edition 1958


·      Pole, J.R., Ed., The Advance Of Democracy, Harper and Row, New York, 1967.


·      Ward, Harry M., Colonial America 1607-1763, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1991.





·      Brown, B. Katherine, "The Controversy over the Franchise in Puritan Massachusetts, 1954-1974", William and Mary Quarterly, Third Series, Vol. XXXIII, No. 2, pp212-242.


·      Foster, Stephen, "The Massachusetts Franchise in the Seventeenth Century", William and Mary Quarterly, Thrird Series, Vol. XXIV, No. 4, 1967, pp613-623.


·      Hemphill, C. Dallett, "Women in Court: Sex Role Differentiation in Salem Massachusetts 1636-1683", William and Mary Quarterly, 3rd Series, XXXIX, No. 1, January 1982.


·      Simmons, Richard C., "Freemanship in early Massachusetts: some suggestions and a case study", William and Mary Quarterly, Third Series, Vol. XIX, 1962, pp422-428.


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