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April 2, 2001


Other Resources

  • The Clipping Project: Introduction
  • This section outlines what students will do to complete the project. The last step will fan out to address the four components associated with the overall project.

    1. Select the topic for your project.

    To start this project, you will pick an issue of interest to you from among the many you will find covered in The New York Times. You may want to look at back issues of The Times and recent magazines to identify a topic you find interesting. You may also want to gather background information from books and other publications.

    It is generally best to start with a broad topic that you can narrow down later if you wish. For instance, by starting with a subject such as "the United States and the Middle East," you are sure to find a sufficient number of related articles over the course of the semester. By the time you are ready to begin writing your paper, you may need to narrow your subject to a particular area or country in the Middle East, the economic implications of Middle East affairs or some other facet of life in the region.

    2. Confirm with your professor that the subject is appropriate for your course.

    Submit one or two paragraphs which briefly discuss why you have chosen the subject and how it relates to your course curriculum. List the resources you have consulted for background information.

    3. Clip relevant articles from The New York Times.

    Clip any articles, editorials, columns, letters to the editors and other items which address your topic. Keep in mind that news stories are intended to relay the basic facts of a topic, while the others weigh competing opinions and points of view.

    Date and identify each item by page(s) and column(s). For example, write: A1:1 to identify an article that begins on page 1 of section A, in the first (left-hand) column. To indicate that the article continues on page A18 in the second and third columns, write: A18:2,3.

    You may want to highlight portions of the clippings that you find especially interesting, and group them not only chronologically, but by the narrower subjects which are addressed.

    Also, look for any items under "corrections" on page A2 that may relate to the articles you have clipped.

    4. Supplement the materials you have found in The Times with other sources.

    Draw on other publications such as books, magazines, radio or television news programs to supplement the information you found in The New York Times.

    5. Submit a progress report to your instructor.

    Include a bibliography of sources you have used to date and indicate how you may have narrowed the subject matter or shifted your original approach.

    6. Complete one or more of the following projects:

    A. Introduction and analysis of the subject

    Write an essay analysing of your subject and discussing how it has evolved since you began clipping articles. Refer to governmental, political, social and economic forces that were involved.

    B. Evolution and analysis of the issue within a discrete time frame

    Write your essay as an analysis of your subject in essay form, discussing how it has evolved since you began clipping articles. Refer to governmental, political, social and economic forces that were involved.

    Your paper should include complete citations as footnotes. Indicate the date of publication (or broadcast), page (or name of television or radio program), and column(s) in the case of newspapers and magazines.

    C. Opinion review

    Outline the various viewpoints of individuals and organizations whose opinions appear either in pieces on the Op-Ed page or in quotations included in news stories. You may wish to use other resources to include additional perspectives.

    D. Clippings Thesis

    Use the information and resources you have gathered to formulate your own viewpoint, solution or commentary on the subject you have chosen. Support your argument in essay form. Include complete citations.

    As the newspaper of record, The New York Times is the best way for your students to stay abreast of national and international news. Furthermore, as participants in this project, your students will embark on their first step toward cultivating a lifelong habit of turning to The New York Times for information to guide their academic, professional and personal lives.

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